There really are quite alot. To organize i might do it in the PAINPIPES (SH) kind of style though, despite the fact that most texts have more than one postmodern element.
Playful pieces include such things as The Mighty Boosh, which plays around with known genres and conventions, slowly mocking all the seriousness associated with these. For example, the playing with the "mad scientist/Frankenstein" themes, which, in Gothic, are viewed as serious and a reflection of the human state of transgression. However, the play on this mocks the stereotypes and uses parody to laugh at it. Another example of play which is very prominent is Scary Movie which some people say is "the death of horror" as it plays and mocks with all conventions and stereotypes of horror through pastiche and parody.
Play also involves many other aspects- the text plays with traditional values and ideologies, such as in Private Eye, making all look nihilistic and humerus. It plays around with traditional structure, such as "synchedoche New York." The r

Examples of films which use known conventions, and use these to promote itself are In the thick of it, or The Office. These use the "fly on the wall" "social documentary" aestetic to create the feeling of reality-which makes the charaters seem even more exaggerated. They then use these to undermine this and parody it.
"Post Irony is a technique that uses the juxtaposition of empty symbolism and loaded evocations to create humor whose roots lie not so much in the mocking of any one ideology proper so much as in mocking the stupidity that lies at the roots of the propagation of modern ideologies." (wiki)
The Wizard of Oz is a story whose plot revolves around irony. Dorothy travels to a wizard and fulfills her challenging demands to go home, before discovering she had the ability to go back home all the time. The Scarecrow longs for intelligence, only to discover he is already a genius, and the Tin Woodsman longs to be capable of love, only to discover he already has a heart. The Lion, who at first appears to be a whimpering coward, turns out to be bold and fearless.
Examples of this are on TV:In the thick of it-which show the corrupted and valueless world of politics. Also, 24 hour party people and synchedoche new york are examples of a structerless story, with characters who have little morals excpet humour-meaning that it is comic-tradgegdy. (for example, when the protagonist in 24 hour PP lets everyone trash the night club.) Extending this in both, the reality of the world becomes incredibly distorted and meaningless- in 24HPP, at the end, he supposedly "see's God" and this is an unreal and comic expereince, thereby reducing reality and laughing at traditional ideolges.
Much of the coen brother work is also nihilistic and question ideologies.
There are many examples of this in many different works- ALL of Monty Python, The Mighty Boosh, Scary Movie(s), Disator Movie, Private eye, Extras and Tarrentino's films. They all use a mix of genres/styles and make fun of thes by placing them at odds, mimicing them. A musical example is Bohemian Rapsody-this is a pastiche of lots of different styles. star wars are seen as a pastiche of science fiction writing. An example of a paradoy is the jesus parody in The Life of Brian. The Office is a parody of social soaps. In writing, most of Ben Elton's books are pastiches of modern life. (not hyperreal?) Blade Runner is also said to be apastiche, as it uses a pastiche of ideas about transgression of humanity/ the wesut and film noir.
ok, there are again a huge number of exmaples, so i will be quick and list them all. OK- main competitors are things like the simpsons, family guy and scrubs, which take huge amounts from other texts and parady or pastiche them. (for example, the simpsons regularly imitate real people, or take famous stroies and twist them humourously.) (scrubs is similiar but in it's imitation of genres and songs which connote things) which make them funny. Other examples are many if the things i listed in pastiche/parody, as these will only be funny because of the intertextuality-so monty python (the spanish inqusitoion!) scary movie, not another teen movie, the mighty boosh.(Boosh mimiacing Morshum and Wise) They all use refferences from other texts to create humour. Hot Fuzz is another example, with it's intertexual refferences to crime genre which creates the rediclous humour, which otherwise would be just strange. Adverts are often intertexual, using known icons (pride and prejudice is used alot for some reason) which the audience can relate to. Most magazines use references to other texts to create humour (harry potter is used as a basic text for this-it isnt harry potter....) and column articles use this too- basic culture capital. An intertexual autuer is the Coen Brothers, whose films rely a huge amount of the audience's knowledge of films. Going beyond this, films like scream, or games which are in serires make often hyperaware self-refferences to previous games. Ofcours, it doesnt have to be humourous- there are mnay books and works which are intertexuality to symbolism of classics like Paradise Lost or the Bible. (Northern lights, etc). so, yeah. Mucho.
Self referential
Self referntial media includes....24HPP is a good example, again. The protagnoist talks to the camera, making it obvious that there is a camera. he also says things like: "you'll be seeing alot more of that" and begins the films by telling you directly to the camera what is going to happen throughout the stroy, and the ending. This breaks the 4th wall, and "reality"of the show, as well as traditional versions of storytelling, and refers to the fact they are making a film. Winterbottom does this increasingly in his other films, where he films a film making a film and alters between showing making the film film and the actual film that he is making. This is all confusing, and refers to the fact that teh film is being made. Scream is self referntial to it's last films, meaning that the actors actually go and see the previous scream movie. The Mighty Boosh is self refernbtial, as it starts with the 2 doing stand up comedy, adressing teh audience and talking about the show. It's camera moves also are hyper-aware of the limits of a screen and use this to cmic effect. (it looks like a spray of blood, but is just someone eating tomato juice.) Matrix is also self-referntial in it's use of bullet time-obviously computer animated, refering to the production. Private eye is also a good example-they say: “That’s enough now Ed” in the middle of sentences and end the story.) This is self referential to the construction of the news print, using the “Ed” to connote someone dim and uneducated, who needs to be controlled writing the articles- a comment on the writers of newspapers. It is also conscious in creating an illusion of an editor controlling the newspaper- it uses this to comment on editors who do not look at what they are reading properly and make mistakes. Also-Being John Malocvitch's distortion of reality in the trippy bits with simularcrum of Malcxovtich.
This is abit more random, as if you were Baurdrillirad you might say that all texts are hyper-real, made up of self refernces and signs. But, there are more specific examples- Matrix being the obvious one, with it's hyper-real world created inside. Most games, such as Second Life and Grand Theft Auto are also hyper-real, because they create their own, hyper-real worlds inside a game, with everything being created. The creation of simularcrum is also a side-effect of hyperreality, and this is apperant in BJM, etc. MAny of the films or peices of media which make reality distorted- such as films which use CGI, like 300, all in CGI and green-screen. Reality TV such as Big Brother and Come Dine With Me all also create a world which is a fantasy, but beleived to be real by huge numbers of people. An another example of this is Extras, when actors "play themselves" and it is hyper real, as it is refernce to what we know of them, and construction of characeters and TV.
I'll add other if i can rememeber any.
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